The Belgian Demonstration Programme for the Disposal of High Level and Long Lived Radioactive Waste.
F. Bernier and M. Demarche
Proc. TopSeal 2006 Conference, 2006.
THM simulation of a large scale mock-up test in Belgium – the “OPHELIE” experience.
Li X., Romero E., Verstricht J., Van Humbeeck H., Bernier F.
Proceedings of the GEOPROC2006 international symposium (on CD), Nanjing, China, 22-24 May 2006 / HoHai University, Nanjing, China, HoHai University, 2006, p. 274-280
The Belgian Demonstration Programme for the Disposal of High-Level and Long-Lived Radioactive Waste.
Bernier F., Demarche M., Bel J.
Symposium Proceedings. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIX, Gent, Belgium, 12-16 September 2005 / SCK•CEN, Warrendale, United States, Materials Research Society, 2006, p. 103-110
An overview of long-term HM measurements around HADES URF.
Bastiaens W., Bernier F., Li X.
Proceed. Internat. Symp. of the Internat. Soc. for rock Mechan. on Multiphysics Coupling & long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechan., Liège, Belgium, 9-12 May 2006 / Internat. Society of Rock Mechan., London, UK, Taylor & Francis, 2006, p. 15-26
25 years of underground engineering in a plastic clay formation: the HADES underground research facility.
Bastiaens W., Bernier F.
Proceed. 5th IC of TC28 of ISSMGE on Geotechnic. aspects of underground construct. in soft ground, A'dam, Netherlands, 15-17 June 2005 / Internat. Society for Soil Mechan. & Geotechnic. Eng.(ISSMGE), London, UK, Taylor & Francis, 2006, p. 795-801
Importance of the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) in the General Performance of the Near-Field of a Geological Disposal System; Input of the EDZ Component to the EC Integrated Project on the Near-Field (NF-PRO).
Aranyossy J., Blümling P., Alheid H., Van Geet M., Mayor J., Marschall P., e.a.
Symposium Proceedings. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIX, Gent, Belgium, 12-16 September 2005 / SCK•CEN, Warrendale, United States, Materials Research Society, 2006, p. 87-94
Suction effects in deep Boom clay block samples.
Trung-Tinh Le, Anh-Minh Tang, Yu-Jun Cui, Pierre Delage, Xiang-Ling Li
Accepted to be published in Géotechnique symposium in print 2007, 2006.
The Belgian HLW repository design and associated R&D on the THM behavior of the host rock and EBS.
X.L. Li, F. Bernier and J. Bel
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (ISSN 1000-6915), Vol. 25, N°. 4, p681-693, 2006.
Rôle du laboratoire souterrain HADES pour le programme belge de mise en dépôt de déchets radioactifs au sein d'une formation argileuse
P. Lalieux, F. Bernier, G. Volckaert et B. Cornelis
Revue officielle de l'union Française des géologues, N° 148, pp. 48-53, 2006.
The Excavation-Damaged Zone in Clay Formations - Time-dependent Behaviour and Influence on Performance Assessment.
P. Blümling, F. Bernier, P. Lebon and C. Derek Martin
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, In press., 2006.