Scientific publications

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Creep behavior of Boom Clay.

Chen W.,Yuan K.,Yu H.,Zhao W.,Gong Z.,Li X.
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 32 , Issue 10, 2013, p. 1981-1990

Thermal Impact on Damaged Boom Clay and Opalinus Clay: Permeameter and Isostatic Tests with μCT Scanning

Chen G., Maes T., Vandervoort F., Sillen X., Van Marcke P., Honty M., et al.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Special Issue: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Effects in Clay Host Rocks for Radioactive Waste Repositories, 47:1, 2014, p. 87-99.- ISSN 0723-2632

ESV EURIDICE GIE Activity Report 2012

Li Xiangling
ESV EURIDICE GIE, Mol, Belgium, 2013, 76p.
